Sunday, January 19, 2014

Region XII - The Legend story of Sarangani Lake

Once upon the time, there was an old couple called Grandpa Pasir and Grandma Pasir living in the forest of Mount Lawu.

One day, he was surprised with an existence of an egg under a big forest tree, without consideration, Grandpa Pasir immediately took the mysterious egg home, and gave it to his wife.

Later on, they agreed to braise the egg and share it for two. Grandpa got back to the field to continue his job. But he felt his body is getting warmer and painful. By so much pain, he fell down on the ground. He had been cursed !!! . His body changed into a big giant snake.

In other side, grandma also transformed into a giant snake and they had makes a flutter and soil around and the water spouting and filled around the holes of pasir’s flutter and become a lake. 

The lake named Lake pasir, nowadays they known as Lake Sarangani.